Kelly Family Press Release on the ‘BBC Dad’ Viral Video

Today, my family and I conducted a select set of interviews, with the BBC for the international audience, with the Wall Street Journal for the American audience, and with the Korean media for the local audience here. Here is our statement on the video incident. Thank you. Robert E. Kelly

“My family and I would like to thank our many well-wishers. We are just a regular family, and raising two young children can be a lot of work. Because of that, it seems that the video has resonated with parents around the world, and we are flattered at the many gentle sentiments about our children. Thank you. We love them very much, and we are happy that our family blooper brought some laughter to so many.

We would also like to thank the British Broadcasting Corporation for its gentle and tactful treatment of the video. We are grateful for their professionalism in handling the exposure of our young children. We especially thank James Menendez, the announcer in the clip, for his kindness during the interview itself.

To the media, we would like to apologize for our reticence. We have been deluged with requests since Friday. We were unsure how to respond, and as the attention accelerated, we became genuinely unnerved. We had no idea how to handle this. We therefore decided to return to the BBC for a follow-up interview for the international audience, to speak with the Wall Street Journal for the US domestic audience, and to hold today’s press conference for the Korean audience. We apologize to the many outlets that seem to find this dissatisfactory. We are doing the best we can. Some have asked for interviews in our home. At this point, we are unready for that. We are hoping to return to normality in the next few days. Perhaps next week if there is still interest.

Finally, we would like to clear up a few of the rumors and controversies around the video:

– Yes, the woman in the video is my wife, Jung-A Kim/김정아, not my nanny.

– The first child to enter is our daughter, Marion Yena Kelly/켈리 매리언 예나, age 4.

– The second is our son, James Yousup Kelly/켈리 제임스 유섭, age 9 months.

– No, Jung-A did not use too much force in removing the children from the room. It is quite apparent from the video that she is frantically trying to salvage the professionalism of the interview. The children were not injured. When Marion speaks in the clip, she says, in Korean, ‘why Mom?’ She is responding in surprise, because we normally do not treat our children this way. Marion’s willingness to comfortably traipse into my home office illustrates her usual ease with her parents.

– No, I was not shoving Marion out of the way. I was trying to slide her behind my chair where there are children’s toys and books, in hopes she would play with them for a few moments until the interview ended.

– Yes, I was wearing pants. I choose not to stand, because I was trying to salvage the interview.

– No, this was not staged.

– Yes, the flat surface to my left was in fact a covered-up air-mattress. Our children like to play and jump on it.

– No, the map was not hung there as a prop. It was a gift and genuinely helps me learn world place names in Korean.

– No, we did not fight about the blooper afterward, nor punish our children. Rather, we were mortified. We assumed that no television network would ever call me again to speak.

– No, Jung-A did not hug the floor, because she was being ‘servile.’ She was trying to stay out of the line of sight of the camera in hopes saving the interview.

– Yes, our floors are hardwood, which is why Jung-A slid into the room. The floor is slippery after mopping, and my wife was wearing socks, not shoes, in the house, as is customary in East Asia.

– We have no comment on the many social analyses of the video. We see this simply as a very public family blooper, nothing more.”

192 thoughts on “Kelly Family Press Release on the ‘BBC Dad’ Viral Video

  1. You are a group of absolute legends Jung-A Kim (김정아), Marion Yena Kelly (켈리 매리언 예나), James Yousup Kelly (켈리 제임스 유섭) and Robert E. Kelly.


  2. Pingback: 'Yes, I was Wearing Pants' - Robert Kelly and Family Release Detailed Account of What Happened

  3. You have a beautiful family, and I am sorry you need to explain yourself. I can tell you are loving and kind parents. This clip going viral lead me to your blog, where I spent a good two hours reading. You are a fantastic analyst, and you resparked my old love of international relations ( of which I have BS, MA, but am no longer in the field). I will look forward to seeing further interviews with you in the future. I do hope, you keep sharing your thoughts here. This blog is gift to anyone interested in policy, and those who might be looking just to learn more about the world than their national news
    Best of luck in all the media frenzy,
    Abby Mudd


  4. Pingback: 'Yes, I was Wearing Pants' - Robert Kelly and Family Release Detailed Account of What Happened

  5. Don’t worry buddy. Stuff happens.

    I love the way she (marion) danced into the room. then when your son came rolling in.

    The BBC news to render to add “did you remember to lock the door” as they go through the “count from 1 to 100” etc.


  6. Good on you Robert, gave us a good laugh. People always look to find a negative spin. Don’t let it get you down, find a way use this to your advantage. Cheers


  7. Today was big presents for me ! and it is really lucky I can see your post about the event ! because I was really wondering the lovely family’s responses after the happening, so thank you for your family’s interviews of today : ) there are so many big fans of your familes in Korea, they always said your families gave us big happiness and pleasant laugh in these days, thanks to your lovely members, we could laugh with really big happiness : ) : ) it’s really wonderful the one sum of coincidence would be big presents for all of people in the world like miracle ! I never doupt they are adorable and peaceful family because I can feel when I see the baby girl dancing when she enters your home office, she definitely has been raised with a lot of love and encouragement!
    I’m really glad that I can get the opportunity to confirm my thinking by the after interview !
    and also, feel so relieve that his wife Jung-a Kim shows very cool and calm response to the part argument and even ask them not to fight with tranquil pose, I was so impressed and relieved and thinked she is really wonderful ! my comments is not different from the sum of most responses in SNS, so you can completely ignore the very minor rude response : ) 🙂
    Really hope your family who gave us-world people in hard times to laugh and big happy smile always have lucky and happy days : ), and thanks again for everything(lovely coincidence, lovely children, lovely wife, lovely whole interview), your family is my role model now and for ever .!


    • please understand some typing errors ex. his wife -> your wife etc.ha ha I couldn’t find the edit button 😉 and one more thing is I reallly like the babies’ name ‘예나(Yena)’, and ‘유섭(Yousup)’ It’s really really superb and classy and beautiful names, and even not common ! who made the beautiful names : ) so perfect family !


  8. I have been receiving and enjoying your emails for a long time. I had sent your most recent one about hardening South Korea to my daughter and brother the very morning before you went viral. My son sent me the video, saying he thought I should see it.

    I’m so tickled that I knew you when. I didn’t know a thing about you except that you were keeping me up with Korea. Best wishes to everybody!


  9. Professor Kelly,

    Thank you for bringing us some good laughs. I watched it quite a few times. Marion is ACE! You have such a lovely family. God bless XxxX


  10. For what it’s worth, my partner and I and have been impressed with the way you’ve handled this! As observers, we’ve been amazed by the degree of interest that the world media has shown and can only imagine (and sympathise!) what it’s been like in the eye of the hurricane!


  11. Hahaha, laughing at “yes I was wearing pants”. And honestly, you have nothing to apologize for. There are fools all over the world who will take every opportunity to make you feel bad about things that you should never feel bad about. Ignore them, and don’t even waste your precious time responding. They usually have sad, pathetic lives.

    BTW, your wife did an awesome job getting the kids out so quickly and, no, she definitely wasn’t too rough. In fact, anyone who thinks she was has obviously never dealt with children.

    Thanks to you and your very lovely family for the laugh. It made my day 🙂


  12. Dr. Kelly, I wanted to leave you a note to wish you and your beautiful family all good wishes. You have nothing to apologize for. Although I first heard about you through this “blooper,” I have since searched for the full interview with the BBC where you speak of the ouster of Park Geun Hye as a triumph for democracy and it give me hope. As a Korean American, I have been following the impeachment story with great interest, both out of curiosity and also concern for what’s going on here in the United States. Now, I have your analysis and writing to follow. As a working mom (and as a mom/wife raising children in a multicultural/racial household), I could relate on many levels with all that was happening throughout that video. You truly have a wonderful wife who cares very much for you, your career, and your children. Your daughter and her swagger is simply amazing. I hope you all get some reprieve soon from the public frenzy.
    All the best!


  13. It was a great video, and like millions of others, I enjoyed seeing a light shone into the trials and tribulations of parenthood. We’ve all been there, and you both handled it really well. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame!


  14. Beautiful, loving family. Enjoyed the blooper interview and the follow-up ones to address media inquiries. You all handled it with humor and grace. Hope you soon regain your privacy and normalcy.


    • PS: I am glad, too, for having encountered the video because now I will look out for Prof. Kelly’s commentary on the Koreas. As a Korean American I take special interest in the political (and popular) goings-on in my mother’s home country.


  15. Thanks for sharing with us your lovely family. It gave me a really good laugh, watched it a couple of times and shared it… normal familes can relate to this. I did not see anything wrong at all with the whole video. I find your wife really funny, especially the last part when she came crawling back to close the door! God bless your family.


  16. Your video brought so much joy to many in a dreary world–your family is lovely. I’m sure I speak for many when I say I hope the BBC makes you their go-to for political analysis in South Korea from now on.


  17. Pingback: «BBC-Dad» lacht über Internet-Hit mit Kindern - Dortmund24

  18. Pingback: Après le direct, les coulisses du «videobomb» de l’année sur la BBC | Plans d'Epargne

  19. Pingback: The family behind that viral BBC interview have issued a statement to answer some of the public’s questions |

  20. I have lost count of the times I watched the video, it is so incredibly funny. You reacted pretty well (during the event and after it). I fully understand your worries and embarrassment, but if some TV channel questions your professionalism by this small mistake, it wouldn’t be any serious media at all. The judgement on your expertise shouldn’t depend on you being a regular and human father, but on many other factors that you must have developed during your career (knowledge, experience, communicating skills, etc.). And all those remain intact after the video. So don’t worry, with some time and perspective it will be the story to tell on every family dinner 😉
    Your have a gorgeous family, by the way.


  21. This made me so happy, remembering the times with our little ones many years ago. My daughter had the same energy as Marion and my son was always following his big sister (17 months apart). Some of the best years of my life. Best wishes to the Kelly Family!!


  22. I had to laugh… this happened to my father a couple of times when he was doing radio interviews at our house, while we were young. He was (and still is) and expert in wildlife biology, and radio stations across the country would often call him for interviews. I distinctly remember m being mortified when my brother and I had a loud fight in the same room he was interviewing in. He tried to wave us out, but we were clueless… so our child squabble was on national radio. Lovely. Anyway, chin up. No one will remember in a month or two from now, and you will always have the family memory. On video.


  23. My goal is to walk in every room just like your daughter, confidence and happy. Love the video and you don’t need to explain anything. Hope you will get more interviews in the future.


  24. Pingback: BBC Interview Family Speak Out For First Time Since Viral Video - TwentyTwoPhotos

  25. For all things concerning the security of north Asia, I shall now listen to Professor Kelly and no other.

    Through unscripted session, you might have just done more to bring peace and security to the peninsula than anybody thought possible.


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  39. Beautifully and concisely written! Although most of us understand what happened, some (who are prone to knee jerk reactions/reactionary types) need more detailed and thorough explanation.

    Keep it up! I’m an SEO and I will try to spread this article as much as possible! Good luck to you and lots of love from California.


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  44. You have an amazing family. As an American that studied for a summer in Seoul, I am glad I discovered you in hilarious circumstances. Looking forward to learning more about your expert analysis of the many developments that will surely happen in the future in this region.

    Keep up the great work with your family and career!


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  48. Ran into you back at IQMR and have been following your blog for a few years. Wasn’t expecting to see all this, but this was amazing. Keep at it, Robert.


  49. Pingback: Après le direct, les coulisses du «videobomb» de l'année sur la BBC (vidéo) - Barlamane

  50. Pingback: 9 burning questions cleared up by BBC Dad –

  51. Great statement. I’m glad your fears about never being called again aren’t coming true! Your family is beautiful and your kids’ seem incredibly happy and well-adjusted. Best of luck getting back to “real life” : )


  52. Pingback: 9 burning questions cleared up by BBC Dad | The Social Box®

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  54. Pingback: Cinco cosas que nos dejó el viral de la entrevista del profesor y sus dos hijos - applauss

  55. Pingback: 9 burning questions cleared up by BBC Dad – climax Buzz

  56. Well I say , remain blessed, lovely wife! My wife also Asian and I did not think for a moment she was a nanny…beautiful kids and now I will keep a keen ears on your reports from Korea


  57. Simply, Thankyou sir. I’m very glad that I’ve found an insightful blog on Asian security that I can simply read for more understanding of the region and its many balances and nuances. I’m a school teacher but I love reading on world affairs.

    Your interview has continued to inspire me that I too can be a professional and a father, something that I feel often eludes me.

    I hope you continue to go from strength to strength in your academic and advisory work and your family continue to thrive.

    Many thanks,

    Simon McLean
    Northern Ireland


  58. The viral clip made me seek out the full interview and you gave a great insight on the political affairs of South Korea. Before this I wouldnt have paid such a thing any attention, so your lovely children and this public family blooper has probably made people that little bit more wiser 🙂


  59. I’ve been having an awful few weeks, terrible. The clip of you, your wife and your children brought a smile to my face, I’ve gone back to watch it a few times when I’ve felt low because it cheers me so much. You’re all utterly charming. Wishing you health and happiness, thank you.


  60. It was great TV, I watched it live and wished my whole family were there to see it. You wife was funny trying not to be seen and not allowing here face to look. hoping if she didn’t see the screen then maybe the camera couldn’t see her. A great family memory that’s what families are all about….


  61. Professor Kelly,

    Thank you for sharing this on your blog and I simply feel happy for your family that you also find it enjoyable.

    Best of luck in your future research!



  62. I am still about 96 percent sure this was staged…

    Hey honey….lets let the kid in and then the other kid in, then you run in, and instant fame.

    You do like to get attention….hence the constant dripping of your thoughts on this blog…..hmmmmmmm


  63. Unless there was real indication of abuse (and there certainly wasn’t), there was absolutely no reason to explain anything. Sadly, Prof. Kelly felt the need to because jobless judgmental strangers chose to make all kinds of assumptions about him and his wife based on barely 10 seconds of footage during a stressful situation. Those people need to get hobbies/crawl back into their holes.


  64. This video was popular because anyone who is a parent can relate, and the cute and carefree way your daughter bounded into your office was priceless, as she obviously just wanted to see her dad and did not know or care he was on tv! Your wife did a great job trying to salvage the interview. This will be a fun memento to have for your kids when they are older!


  65. Such a lovely family you have professor, may God bless you all! Hopefully everything will normalize for you all I hope soon. My family and I enjoyed a good laugh from the video. It was a super cute, sweet, hilarious family moment. It’ll be a memory all of you all can look back on a smile about in the future.


  66. Absolutely hysterical and glad you can recognize the belly-laughs and tears of laughter, all done with love and joy for your true World Family, desperately needed living in fear of our psychotic #Ban-loony “President”. God bless.


  67. Pingback: BBC Dad finally clears up 9 burning questions | Universal Media HD

  68. Hey Dr.Kelly, first let me begin by saying that you have a wonderful and beautiful family and we loved the video!

    Your daughter and her happy walk in reminded my parents and I of me when I was a child!

    I’m sure you both are excellent parents and love your children very much, a lot of the criticism is unwarranted and I hope you don’t let any of it get to you!

    This is perhaps the best thing that happened to you career-wise also to be honest because as someone with a keen interest in geopolitics, I’d never really heard of you but now I have and I’ll probably end up consuming a lot more of the content you put out.

    All’s well that ends well.

    Btw – you should scope out CaspianReport’s youtube channel, he makes some does some great videos on geopolitical analysis!


  69. Pingback: BBC Dad finally clears up 9 burning questions | Viral Hot Topics

  70. Love your family. You two are obviously wonderful parents. I do hope your little girl keeps that swagger all her life, at least mentally. And may your boy just keep on truckin’.
    Adding your blog to my reading list.


  71. All the best Prof. Kelly! The situation had been handled in the most professional manner given the circumstance. Your family is great and i dont think that lighter side should adversely affect you professionally


  72. Pingback: «BBC-Dad» lacht über Internet-Hit mit Kindern

  73. Pingback: The Swagger and the Roll « Fribliss

  74. Thanks for being great sports. Everyone I know (esp. parents like ourselves) got a lot of joy from the clip, because we’ve all been there, albeit perhaps not live on the Beeb. More power to you and your lovely family.


  75. I am married over 10 years to a wonderful Korean lady from Seoul and we have a gorgeous 8 year old Korean/South African girl who is dynamite. Your blooper video had us rolling around in laughter as we each saw ourselves in your various family members. You with your western “composure” floundering thru the tribulation, your wife being 100% true in her body movement to her heritage of a culture where chairs are optional and everyone is comfortable being in close in proximity to a spotlessly clean floor (not subservient!!!) and your confident, spirited children. Love’d every second.


  76. Loved the video i keep watching it and laugh. I loved the way you handled the interview. It was appalling how people assumed that yiur wife was the nanny. Thanks for the follow up interview and story.


  77. The clip was the funniest and most charming thing I’ve seen in a very long while. As a father of two boys (seven and four) who also works from home, I was simultaneously laughing and breaking out in a massive rash of empathy.

    My warmest regards to all four of you.

    p.s. I shared this quite early in the day and could not for the life of me work out why so many people responding to my post on FB assumed your wife was the nanny. That struck me as odd also.


  78. Dr. Kelly,
    You’ve handled all this attention so well. Because of this event, I have now been introduced to your professional/academic work. I Look forward to reading your continued political analysis in days ahead. All the best to you and your wonderful family.


  79. The world owes your family a debt of gratitude for bringing a little levity to the news! We all need to laugh, and children help us put things into perspective. Those of us who work from home especially understand, as we juggle our work and family every day. Whenever I am taking myself too seriously, I watch the video. All the best to your family. (And for those who are trying to read something bad into the video, they have issues of their own and should be ignored!)


  80. This was a welcome laugh for so many of us. It was apparent to most that your kids expect a warm welcome, and that your wife was just trying to stay out of sight. You remain professional and balanced throughout and I, for one, never doubted that you and your family are dear to one another.


  81. Our US-based family had a horrible week and the Kelly video cheered up all of us. I still smile when I think of it. The children are adorable, their mom is fantastic, and I learned quite a bit about Korea from their dad who is a pro at maintaining composure. Thank you!


  82. Please don’t be to harsh on yourself! You have an amazing family! Don’t let your daughter lose that swag! She is amazing! It happens and that how we came to meet your lovely family! You’re not answerable to anyone! Stay blessed!


  83. Pingback: BBC Dad finally clears up 9 burning questions - Slackup

  84. Jung-A and Robert, I have gone from being thoroughly entertained by the video to being thoroughly impressed with how you have handled everything. Thanks for brightening my day.


  85. Hello Robert and family. I just want to say that I’m glad the BBC called you again and that your children brought so much joy to so many. I’m half English, half South Korean (my mother is from Daegu) and so this video was particularly sweet to watch. I wish you and your family all the best! Lots of love from London, England.


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  87. You brought smiles to millions, the scene unfolded so naturally, such has happened to me during Videoconference calls from my home office many times, so very relatable… we’re raising 6 kids, your children brought back many a memory of my wife likewise trying to save the moment. Have a wonderful life, wait till they become teenagers, the fun really begins then!


  88. Hi M. Kelly, I must say that it was one of the funniest moments of television I have seen. But not “funny stupid” like so many things you can see on television, but “funny cute-nice”! I wish you and your family all the best, and I will have a look at your blog from time to time ! This video is funny and it does not alter the fact that you are doing a great job !
    All the best


  89. I had a terrible week, just found out my brother has stage 4 cancer. Watching the delightful video of your children made me laugh for ten minutes straight. So thankful for your sweet family!


  90. Pingback: This Awesome BBC Dad Parody Imagines How a Mom Would Have Handled the Situation - StyleYourself

  91. I loved the video! It was a little snap of real life and you’ve all handled yourselves very well. We have to laugh at life’s little bloopers. All the best to you and your family. And who wouldn’t be mortified, but you’ve no need to be.


  92. Pingback: PICTURES: There's nothing wrong with not wearing a full suit for a TV interview -sometimes  - The Authentic Storytelling Project

  93. Just wanted to say that you have been blessed with a beautiful family. I hope that you get called for many more interviews, and I wish the best to your wife and lovely children. The video was hilarious, cute and in now way you can stage such perfection, life happens and because of that we were able to meet you all. God bless you.


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  99. I am distrubed that people suggested the ‘servile’ thing. I have a korea girlfriend of three years and i’ve come into situations where its been suggested that maybe i prefer korean girls for servility. Which is such horse shit (pardon my language) and so offensive to me not because of picture that it would paint of me, but the picture it would paint of my girlfriend. There is nothing submissive about korean woman, just look at the strength of 아줌마 in korea.

    Glad the response has been mostly positive, it was a very funny video. I have a strong interest in political science and Korea, so ill take the opportunity to peruse your site.


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  106. Pingback: This Awesome BBC Dad Parody Imagines How a Mom Would Have Handled the Situation – LikeBump

  107. Pingback: This Awesome BBC Dad Parody Imagines How a Mom Would Have Handled the Situation – Trendsloop

  108. Beautiful family and lovely story. With all the ugliness in the world, the Kelly family comes through with a feel good moment. I hope all this attention brings positive things to your lives.


  109. Pingback: This Awesome BBC Dad Parody Imagines How a Mom Would Have Handled the Situation – SeekPosts

  110. Thanks for the calm sanity in your response amidst the insanity of the internet – it was oddly comforting.
    And best of luck in your research. What a time it must be to be a political scientist in South Korea now, with the history happening in front of your eyes. May there be many more wonderful adventures for you & your family to come.


  111. The video offered a beautiful glimpse into the fact that beyond the veil of our jobs, professionalism and sometimes differences, we are all human and have so much in common that many of us can relate to, such as raising a family, or working from home. This was a unique blunder, and in a world full of discussions about difficult topics, we could all benefit from laughter and moments of felt oneness.


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